Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reflection of History

This AM we went to the local Ward for Sacrament meeting and Sunday School (I miss my Primary kids!!!!)--then onto the Independence Visitors center where we met Sister Stanton who did an awesome job on the historical tour (we were in a great group of other visitors, very informative)--left there and changed into more comfortable clothes and drove up to Liberty Jail (this was awe inspiring, there is definitely a special spirit in this sacred place)--left there and drove up to Adam-ondi-Ahman which is so beautiful with the rich soil and fertile land--from there it was onto Far West Temple site (Frank is amazed that this was not destroyed upon the Saint's exodus of Missouri)--we met some wonderful people today at all the places that we visited--everyone is so interested in our trek west--as we were going back to the hotel we passed the Kansas City Royals & Chiefs stadiums--tomorrow we leave for Winter Quarters (staying in Council Bluff, Iowa)--we are so very blessed to have been able to make this trip. 

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