Tuesday, June 1, 2010

poo at the zoo

Today we started the day going to the scrapbook store (to feed Stacey's habit) while heading to the zoo, not too bad, small store with lots of neat "stuff"--arrived at the zoo about 10:45ish it was a very nice zoo bigger than it looked, we stayed until about 3pm then had to get back to camp--in this zoo you could get real close to the animals and boy did Stacey get close Bat Poo on her arm and then a bird watered her from the sky (and it wasn't with H2O)--they also have a location that you could walk in with lemurs and they would come up on the rail and look at you and jump over you to run away--Frank spent time with his kinfolk see the picture it was a very nice day a little over cast but not too hot--when we arrived at camp people were packing up and leaving (tornado warnings till 10pm)--tomorrow we head west two days to get to Salt Lake, sure beats the 5 months it took the saints.

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